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Jim Duncan textured glass

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Onami Crystal(tm) textured low iron glass

TOnami Crystal(tm) textured low iron glass

Onami Crystal(tm) textured low iron glass

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Onami Crystal(tm) textured low iron glass


Onami Crystal(tm) textured low iron glass


Onami Crystal(tm) textured low iron glass

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Onami Crystal(tm) textured low iron glass


Onami Crystal(tm) textured low iron glass


Onami Crystal(tm) textured low iron glass

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As light moves across the faceted surface the visual character of the Onami Crystal™ texture is subtly transformed.

From one point of view it will appear to be muted, from another vibrant and alive.
It’s this unique interaction with light not found in other types of textured glass that creates the visual beauty of Onami Crystal™ textured low iron glass table tops, counters and
architectural glass panels.

Onami Crystal textured low iron glass

 what causes the edge color of Onami Crystal™ textured low iron glass

sculpted textured low iron glass

background 66737B 645 x 744
Jim Duncan Glass
Jim Duncan Glass

sculpted glass counters, table tops,
architectural and art glass

ONAMI CRYSTAL 136-137-136 1a

textured low iron glass

Jim Duncan Glass - Hand Crafted

hand crafted

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Jim Duncan Glass - Eco-Friendly textured glass
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